Why join Chia mining pool?
Chia mining pool will bring you a small while stable income. Single-machine mining is error prone and it may take several years to find new block.
How to register frogpool account?
You need to download and install the frog miner mining software first, open the software selection path, click "Start Mining" to scan the plot file, find plots and input mnemonic, enter Email and password after verification to register frogpool account.
Why does the number of online farmland netspace not matched with the netspace of miner?
1. Netspace not submitted. Reboot mining software. 2. Miner is offline and out of synch. 3. Repeated files. 4. Scanning timeout. 5. Farmland file is invalid.
How to determine parallel mining?
If plot public key is mining at different places, it’s regarded as parallel mining. Ifthe different plot blocks of same account are mining with different approaches, it’s regarded as parallel mining.
Check block history for parallel mining record. If block rewar hasn’t arrived in frogpool, it’s determined to be parallel mining.(Note :The local Chia_harvester program needs to be closed when using frog miner software.Otherwise, there will be a risk of parallel mining.)
How to deal with parallel mining?
Once the parallel mining behavior of the miner is confirmed, we will deduct all the account balances (records can be viewed in the withdrawal record), and close the withdrawal order in processing. In order to give the farmers a chance to make corrections, we will not be able to temporarily close the account and continue to distribute income by reducing the average daily income. If farmers promise not parallel mining again, they can email us and according to the netspace observation for several days. If there is no problem, they can return to normal farmers.
Why I haven’t received my withdrawal?
1. Withdraw to official wallet: check the wallet, it hasn’t synched (note: official wallet instead of full nodes).
2. Withdraw to unofficial wallet address: check withdrawal record in account center – show – check or click transaction ID – view block data. If the block browser shows transaction is completed, confirm with the recipient.
Why the actual earnings are less than the estimated earnings?
Actual earnings are related to effective netspace of miner, on-line time, lucky value and blocks farmed of frogpool. Make sure the farmland file is not damaged or duplicated, network quality is high and stable, and the miner remains online.
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